Monday, January 24th, 2011

Breakfast Just Got Better

I’m not going to tell you that me and Martha Stewart are psychically connected…OK, maybe we are…but recently my brain has been fixated on how I can cook more whole grains and it appears that she (or her trusty staff) were thinking the same thing.

Not just using grains in soups or side dishes, but also for breakfast. Now, I’m not a BIG breakfast person. As a kid, my morning meal consisted of a tall glass of chalky chocolate Ovaltine. In college, I learned from the prep and boarding school kids that grabbing breakfast before class was actually a cool thing to do, that and listening to the Spin Doctors in your dorm room (less cool in retrospect): A bowl of flakes, a cup of yogurt with granola, some whole wheat toast slathered with peanut butter and honey. So I kind of went with the breakfast thing for awhile, but I was always more of a lunch girl. Then when I was a working slave in the city surviving on an assistant’s salary, it was all about the post-bender egg and cheese on a roll (with ketchup, maybe crisp bacon if it was needed, and a lemon Snapple on the side) from the deli on the way to work to soak up all those dive bar toxins. These sandwiches were stupendous and crucial to survival.

Now that I have the fam, I save the eggs and pancakes for the weekend, and during the week I make a slice of rye toast with almond butter before running (death sprint) for the train.

But lately I’ve been wanting a break from the toast and almond butter rut. Some part of my New Year brain was wondering if I should be eating more whole grains (which I love for their toothsome texture and wholesomeness) and if there was a way to get them into my daily diet at breakfast time. Which leads me to the perfectly timed January issue of Martha Stewart Living and the discovery of a great food story on hot grain cereals.

Fluffy Barley

Creamy Farro

I love this story. As a magazine editor I dig any service piece that marries great images and ideas with a graph