Monday, December 28th, 2009

A Rita Original

I wanted to show everyone photos of one of my best Christmas gifts this year…a custom-made holiday apron from our neighbor, friend, and sewer-extraordinaire: Rita.

Call me retro, but I love a good apron. Not only because I have a tendency to fling ingredients at myself, but because they’re more fun to wear while cooking than a ratty-old, gravy-stained “My parents went to the Alamo and all I got is this lousy t-shirt” top as an apron.
What is especially cool about Rita’s apron is that it’s reversible. One one side is a patchwork of Christmas-y patterns (Rita is also a famed-quilter), and on the other side, a winter tableau of scarf-wearing polar bears and tomato sauce-red cardinals in mid-flight.
So did you get any cool food or cooking-related gifts this year?