Thursday, September 8th, 2011

Back to School

Today was Belle’s first day of school (above she is sharpening her colored pencils for 2nd grade). This has been a big back to school week for many of us and it’s always poignant, no? I do love this annual rite of passage: Waiting with her at the bus (First day outfit: striped nautical shift dress from Crewcuts, rosebud headband, red rain jacket, polka dot rain boots, big smile) along with all of the other weepy parents, slightly jealous or confused younger siblings, and the other anxious elementary schoolers. All year long the bus stop in the morning is ordinary, rushed, routine. But not on this day. Today is always full of feeling.

I honestly don’t remember a lot of my first days of school. I remember shopping with my mom for notebooks and the perfect outfit (for some reason purple ribbed velvet jeans come to mind…this was the 80s), but not the actual day itself.