Wednesday, August 21st, 2013


©Karen Gowen Photography 2013

You know it’s a big day when I post a photo of myself (and since I never do, that’s me on the left!). But I wanted to announce the official publication of my very first cookbook (In stores now! see links to the right under the photo of our jacket cover for places to purchase) by also showing my co-author: friend, former Saveur editor workmate, and fellow-mom-in-the-trenches, Kathleen Brennan (that’s her on the right). Together we spent the last three years working on KEEPERS and it was truly a labor of love. One of the best parts about having a partner when creating a cookbook, specifically one that is meant for home cooks who’re looking for more empowerment in the kitchen, is that you have a built-in sounding board. Whether we were discussing (debating) which ingredients our reader would use (tomato paste) and which ones they would not (fish sauce); swapping tales of kitchen success (a raw vegetable salad experiment that turned out amazing) and disasters (torched chickens, stubborn children, clueless spouses); trading our favorite tricks (how to clean a stubbornly dirty skillet, the secret to a perfect vinaigrette, our favorite kitchen gadget, the pantry staple we can’t live without…it’s all in the book!), we knew that whatever guidance or recipe we ended up giving, it had been vetted during our conversations. Of course we had our magazine editor backgrounds to lean on when it came to making sure everything was readable, engaging, useful, and new…but in the end, there’s nothing like a good chat with a fellow mom to get to the heart of the matter.

I will have a giveaway soon so that you can win YOUR very own copy of the book, but why wait (hint, hint)? Once your get your hands on a copy and start cooking out of it, I’d love to hear  your thoughts! So please send your comments here! I can’t wait to hear them.