Friday, October 9th, 2009

Mr. Perfect

As I posted a week or so ago, we were lucky enough to be greeted in our new home by a basket filled with a delicious dinner made by one of our new neighbors.
And I thought that the best thank you would be a food gift in return. So I went through my cookbooks and narrowed my choices down to several lemon tarts and pies.
I was thinking about lemon because:
a) it seemed like a sunny, “I’m your new neighbor!” ingredient.
b) the night before I read the classic children’s book Amelia Bedelia to Belle, and Amelia saves her job as the worst maid ever by making her employers the best lemon meringue ever. It was Belle’s idea that we should make a lemon pie just like Amelia, if they’re really that good.
After rifling through the cookbooks I happened upon one titled