Saturday, December 21st, 2013

Things I Love: Instagram

photoHere’s a little treat for you while you’re in line today at the mall/supermarket/liquor store:

My friend Jenny of the blog and book  Dinner A Love Story has compiled a great list of Instagrammers who post swoony food pics. Out of all the social-networking time-suckers out there, Instagram is my number one crush. I’m Instagram-obssessed (handle @ devilandegg; also @keeperscooks); but I’m also very picky about who I follow. Authentic lifestyle tableaus with a sense of humor? Yes. People who excessively post selfies, love latte art, sunsets, and their vacations? Who can’t wait until Thursday to show their TBT? Nope and nope. (Exceptions to this rule is Rihanna, who only post photos of herself, her nails, and her entourage doing questionable things,  but I find her both fascinating and terrifying so I can’t stop following her).

All of the food-peeps in the DALS list offer fun, pretty, inspiring food and lifestyle pics, so they are now snuggled up next to Ri-Ri on my Insta follow list. Check it out HERE!