Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

Keepers & Leonard Lopate!

photoA NPR groupie’s dream came true today…not only did I get to meet the great Leonard Lopate, but my co-author and I were interviewed for his show on WNYC!  We had a great chat about KEEPERS and my favorite topics: food, dinner, and cooking. You can listen to the interview HERE on the WNYC home page. It was really a thrill of a lifetime for me, not only to be on the radio, which is incredibly cool, but to see the NPR newsroom and how these broadcasts all come together. Bonus: Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein from Portlandia were in the waiting room when we got there! I didn’t bring up their brilliant “Is it Local” chicken sketch, but I wanted to.

I hope you get a chance to listen–and let me know what you think!