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Stuff It, Fold It, Roll It

A wave of arctic chill has begun to blow into the Northeast on this holiday weekend; but I don’t care, because it means I get to stay inside with the fam and the dogs, and make two of my favorite things: Chocolate Mousse (for Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I’m using the recipe from the Buvette cookbook) and Stromboli.

If you’re not familiar with the baked, cheesy delight that is the stromboli, it’s basically what happens when you take a pizza and roll it up. Or think of it as a first cousin to the calzone. Rather than folded, the fillings are layered and rolled into a savory strudel of sorts.


I’m still working on perfecting my stromboli—how to make it so that the fillings are even and fairly displaced, the crust stays crusty and tender (not mushy), the sauce is super-flavorful, and it doesn’t all turn into a hot mess while baking. But honestly, even when it is a hot mess, it’s pretty darn good. I urge you to try making one at home. All you need is a store-bought pizza dough (unless you’re a rock star and want to make your own), bring it to room temp, gently stretch it out on a floured surface until it’s approximately the size of a baking sheet, lay it on a parchment-lined baking sheet and shape it more or less into a rectangle, and then start layering. I recommend crushed tomatoes, grated pecorino, fresh mozzarella, salami, and basil. Roll it carefully, brush with an egg-wash, and bake for 20 minutes at 450 degrees.

Most important is to let it cool for a bit before cutting your first slice (the fillings need to set or they will all just ooze out). It actually tastes terrific at room temp (so also good for slicing and taking on the go if you insist on going outside to experience the thrill of subzero wind chill and frostbite).

Enjoy…and Happy Valentine’s Day!


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